Agents of GOD

Hi guys!
How's your week?
I hope you guys had a fruitful one although it might be a busy one. =)

Here is a story to share with you all~

[Jesus] put out His hand and touched [the leper]. —Luke 5:13

Roxanne has had some impressive jobs in her life. She has covered the Olympics as a reporter. She has worked in Washington, DC, for noted people and companies. For years, she has written articles about top Christian athletes. But none of those jobs can compare with what she is doing now: giving the love of Jesus to children in Uganda.
What are her days like? Consider the rainy Thursday when she walked the muddy pathway to a cancer ward. Once inside, she scooped up little Okello, whose arms bore sores from poor IV care and whose body raged with a high fever. She carried him to the office of the only cancer doctor in the building and stayed with him until he got help and his condition stabilized.

Jesus, our example, spent His entire ministry among the suffering, healing them and bringing them the good news of God’s love (Luke 7:21-22).
How significant are the jobs we do? Sure, it’s vital to make a living to support ourselves and our families. But is there something we can do to help relieve the suffering in our world of pain? We may not be able to move to Uganda like Roxanne, but we can all find ways to assist someone. In whose life will you make a difference? — Dave Branon

God uses us to show His love
To people caught in life’s despair;
Our deeds of kindness open doors
To talk of God and His great care. —Sper

One measure of our likeness to Christ is our sensitivity to the suffering of others.

I hope you guys enjoy the story!
In our lives, we are the agents of God sent & used by Him to play different roles and parts wherever and whenever we are placed.

As part of CHCC, we play the role of reaching out to people in need outside the four walls of the church. Thus, we ought to carry ourselves in the likeness of Christ to bring love, care & hope to other people. That's why our title for this blog is we serve (God & people whole-heartedly), we love (with unconditional love), we care (for people's needs). ^^

So let's prepare ourselves to have the heart & right attitude to serve, love, & care for others.=)

For your information, our team's photographer is Hoo Tat Kian and our team's writer is Patrick Tan. So let's give them a big hand as they are going to do write ups and take photographs for our project.

Looking forward to serve together with you all when the project kicks start!
God Bless!!!^o^